Is it possible to lose 10 kg in a month

The goals of losing weight are very different, and so are the ways to achieve them. A person prefers a smooth weight loss regime, in which the body does not experience severe stress, and the owner - a constant feeling of hunger. For others, it was easier to limit themselves to everything for a month, but lost a dozen pounds during this time. Does it make sense to rush, and how would your body feel if you lost 10 kg in a month? Is there a safe way to achieve this result?

Much or a little?

Is there a safe way

In fact, losing 10 kilograms without compromising health is realistic only for those whose initial body weight is much higher than usual, and a body mass index above 30. This means that if a person is over 170 cm, weightbody is more than 100 kilograms. And, after losing 10 kg, he will only lose 10% of his body weight, which doctors think is the maximum acceptable rate of weight loss.

However, most of those who want to lose a lot and fast, have a much lower body mass index - from 25 to 28. With a BMI of 25 (which is the upper limit of the norm! ), a weight of 170 cm is about 72kg. And if you lose 10 kg in a month, then 14% of the mass will be lost, and this already has unpleasant consequences for health.

Therefore, before assigning yourself such a task, think about what is more important to you: in whatever way, as quickly as possible to gain harmony or move towards the intended goal a little more calmly, but without harming your own body!

It is true that anyone can lose 10 kg in 3 months with minimal effort, but at the same time, lost fat is almost guaranteed not to come back, as is often the case with rapid weight loss.

General rules

For those who want to maintain a healthy body and beautiful skin, nails and hair, you should lose 10 kg in 2 months, and not in one month. But if you still want to use extreme methods or your weight is much higher than usual, try at least to follow general rules that help minimize the possible negative consequences of rapid weight loss:

  • Drink lots of water - at least 1, 5 liters per day. This will reduce the burden on the kidneys and cardiovascular system, allowing you to flush out toxins and toxins quickly and maintain beautiful skin.
  • Throw away all practical food and canned goods. They contain many chemical additives which do not contribute to rapid weight loss and poisoning the body.
  • Eliminate sugar, baked goods, and confectionery from your diet. If you really want something sweet, you can enjoy honey or dried fruit in small quantities.
  • Choose low-fat dairy products. This will allow the body to get enough calcium to maintain strong bones and teeth, but will reduce daily fat intake.
  • food meat
  • Eating diet meat: chicken breast, veal, lean beef, rabbit. In addition, it is better to cook them steamed or boiled, in extreme cases, bake them, but not in a pan with the addition of oil.
  • Eat seafood. They are very beneficial because they contain a large number of minerals and trace elements that help keep metabolism at a high level.
  • Stop alcohol consumption. Apart from the fact that it retains water in the body, its putrefactive products poison the body, overload the liver and kidneys, and destroy the brain. Regular consumption of beer by men causes women to be obese due to the high content of phytoestrogens in these drinks.
  • Eat a little. This will allow the body to digest food efficiently, smoothly consuming the received calories and does not store fat.
  • Carbohydrates - in the morning. Carbs that you don't have time to eat in a day will settle on your side in the form of fat deposits overnight. If you want to lose 10 kg in a month - carb dinners are not for you!
  • Be careful with nuts. Nuts, seeds and dried fruits are perfect snacks for those on any diet. This helps to quickly get rid of hunger and provides the body with valuable nutrients. But don't forget about calories. The daily rate is nothing more than a handful of such a mixture!
  • Juice and soda. Any carbonated drink irritates the stomach lining and can trigger its inflammation. These drinks must be removed from the food. There are 1-2 glasses of fresh juice left on the menu a day.
  • Get more fiber. Crude plant fiber performs three useful functions at once: eliminates hunger for a long time, stimulates intestinal motility, absorbs and removes toxins. Their main sources are fresh vegetables and fruit, bran, bean sprouts and whole wheat bread.

With just this rule, you can easily lose 10 kilograms in just two months, and if you add regular exercise, even faster.

Important! Ideally, such a nutritional principle should become the norm for everyone, in this case the body weight will drop slightly in two to three months, then stabilize and will be maintained at approximately the same level.

TOP 10 diets

For those who don't leave the thought of: "I want to lose 10 kg faster! ", there is a stiffer type of diet, which is mostly posted on the Internet. Nutritionists do not really like extreme methods, because most of them slow down metabolism and disrupt the balance of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Below are the TOP-10 popular diets, not the worst reviews of diets that work to lose weight:

  1. Curd. Within a week, half a kilogram of cottage cheese (up to 9% fat) and half a liter of low-fat kefir are consumed daily. Gradually add 1-2 fruits a day, 10-150 grams of whole wheat bread.
  2. Vegetarian. Meat, poultry, fish are excluded from the diet, and in hard versions - all products of animal origin. Vegetables - raw or steamed - make up 80% of the diet.
  3. Eggs. Breakfast and dinner - 2 boiled eggs, a slice of black bread, tea. For lunch - soup with lean meat or vegetable broth, a piece of lean meat with a vegetable side dish.
  4. Protein. The basis of the diet is low-fat diet boiled meat (usually chicken breast) and boiled, fresh or grilled vegetables. 1-2 pieces per day is allowed.
  5. Apple DietApple. In fact, on a single diet, you can last no more than 7 days, during which it takes an average of one kilogram of body weight. The whole meal is 1, 5 kilograms of green apples and water.
  6. Cereals. Diet cereal, boiled in water, without adding salt and oil. 2 times a day, you can eat a vegetable salad with lemon dressing. It was very difficult to sit on it for a whole month.
  7. Juice. It is assumed that freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices are present in the diet. If you sit on it for no more than a week, it's a good idea to lose 5 to 10 pounds. But with prolonged use, the tooth enamel is crushed, pain in the stomach appears, and constipation begins.
  8. Fruit. Only unsweetened fruit is left in the diet, which can be eaten up to 2 kg per day. Alternating with low-fat dairy products is allowed (at different foods).
  9. Chocolate. A very robust mono-diet version, which allows you to eat 100 grams of dark chocolate and drink unlimited amounts of green tea per day. Diet abuse can lead to various diseases.
  10. Coffee shop. Before eating (4-5 times a day) a cup of coffee is drunk. This allows you to eat less and speed up your metabolism. But it puts a strain on the heart and raises blood pressure.

As you can see, any effective diet that allows you to lose up to 10 kilograms in a month is out of balance.

Reviews of those who have tried to deal with being overweight in this way, confirming that their general health after the first week deteriorated significantly. So is it worth it or is it better to choose a healthier and more cost-effective method?

Limitations and contraindications

Using an unbalanced diet and losing weight too quickly are strict contraindications:

  • Restrictions during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • if there are chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • acute liver or kidney failure;
  • problems with the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • oncological and autoimmune diseases;
  • after serious injuries and recent surgery;
  • with active inflammatory processes in the body;
  • if immunity is severely reduced for any reason;
  • during intense physical activity and / or strength training.

Imbalanced nutrition and insufficient calorie intake in this case can have catastrophic consequences, up to and including death.

Doctors found that those who were frequently on a low-calorie or starving diet gradually developed anorexia, a serious mental illness that interferes with a normal diet. The downside is that it is very difficult for the layman to catch the first symptoms. And when the disease manifests itself in full force, only an experienced psychiatrist can get rid of it. Placement in specialized clinics is often necessary.


With an initial weight of 100 kg or more, you can lose 10 kg per month without physical activity, simply by reducing your diet by 20%. But the results obtained in this way are unlikely to suit you. A figure that loses weight rapidly, left without a layer of fat, obscures and loses its obvious outline. The person becomes completely deformed, the skin is loose, and the muscles are difficult to see in the folds.

Active physical activity allows you to maintain muscle tone, maintain a high metabolic rate, and increase your calorie deficit, which now comes not only from reducing your usual diet, but also with regular exercise. The layer of fat that disappears is gradually replaced by a muscular skeleton, and the skin remains firm and beautiful.

At a basic level, walking for an hour at a moderate brisk pace or half an hour of aerobic exercise is sufficient. Gradually, the load must be increased, as the body quickly adapts.

Strength training should only be done when a large portion of the fat has been removed. If not, you could have the opposite result: build muscle under the fat layer and get bigger.

How to lose 10 kg per month

An indisputable fact is the statement that how to lose 10 kg in a month is not harmful to health. For this reason, it's important to listen to the advice of professionals, including nutritionists and fitness instructors. In general, the problem of losing weight in a month for a number of kilograms should be approached comprehensively, reviewing your diet and incorporating physical activity into the daily routine. There are many options - from proper nutrition to a calorie-restricting mono diet. Weight loss exercises also vary depending on the zone you want to train in.


The simplest option is to simply separate food into prohibited and allowed. Eating on this principle for 4 weeks and exercising at least a few times a week, you will easily lose weight. The list of prohibited foods includes:

  • lard and other fatty foods;
  • alcohol;
  • salt;
  • sugar and all sugary foods;
  • spices;
  • sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • fried and smoked dishes;
  • soda;
  • chip;
  • packaged juices;
  • fatty meat;
  • flour products.
lean meat

By simply eliminating these foods, you can start losing weight. Replace them with healthy foods, which include:

  • fresh, boiled, stewed or roasted vegetables, other than potatoes;
  • skimmed milk and fermented milk products;
  • boiled eggs;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • cereal;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • unsweetened fruit.

Based on these two lists, you can lose weight for more than a month without a special diet. But there are also special techniques aimed at getting rid of excess weight. You can get great results in a month using:

  • the Japanese diet. It is based on the use of protein. It can last from 7 to 14 days. The basis of his diet is foods that quickly satisfy hunger, such as fish, meat, eggs, olive oil, fruits, vegetables, and cereals.

Slimming Workout

Depending on the specific goals, you can choose strength or aerobic activity for the diet, eg. cardio. The latter is more effective in terms of fat burning and volume reduction. Strength training does not allow loose skin, which is especially important with rapid weight loss in a month. However, you cannot suddenly start exercising if previously the load was limited to climbing simple stairs. The first should be a light warm-up, long walks, and only then try 15 minutes of workouts. Then the load can be increased gradually.

No diet

You can lose weight thanks not only to your diet, but also to a few simple rules. The first is a mandatory reduction in calorie intake. It can be anything, the main thing is that you have a daily energy deficit. This consists of expending more calories than you consume. Thanks to this, the body will extract less energy from its own reserves. Apart from calories, it's important to follow a few simple rules:

  • reduce the diet to 1500-2000 kcal, and the serving size to 200-250 g;
  • eat 4-5 times a day, observing breaks between meals at 3-4 hours;
  • stop snacking while watching TV or at the computer;
  • do not limit food after 6 o'clock - preferably dinner 3-4 hours before bed;
  • replaces all simple carbohydrates with complex ones, eg. eat not candy, but cereal;
  • incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet every day;
  • for preparing food by boiling, stewing, grilling or steaming;
  • does not completely neglect your favorite delicacies, but rather eat them in small amounts and preferably in the morning;
  • Use the right seasonings like ginger, cinnamon, red chilies, turmeric and mustard.
mandatory reduction in calorie intake

Proper nutrition minus 10 kg per month

The above rules also apply to types of diets such as nutrition. Although this technique is often considered even as a way of life, because its principles can be adhered to for any time. The basis is a balanced diet with the amount of protein and carbohydrates that a person needs. The food doesn't exclude candy, but it should be healthy, such as marshmallows, cheesecakes, jams, or plain curd casseroles. A main course with the right nutrition is also healthy and delicious. You can study the detail menu below.


The main principle of a diet in the form of proper nutrition is a compulsory breakfast. His absence makes you overeat at night. In the morning, you can eat something sweet. Lunch should include a portion of carbohydrates and protein, and dinner should include protein only. A sample menu based on these principles can be structured as follows:

  • breakfast - rice with a loaf of bread, small fruit, green salad and lemon tea;
  • snack - yogurt, a serving of cottage cheese, fruit;
  • lunch - low fat fish with vegetable salad, 2 toast, still mineral water;
  • afternoon tea - a handful of nuts or dried fruit;
  • dinner - stewed vegetables with steamed cutlets, a slice of bread, water or tea with lemon.

An effective 10 kg weight loss diet

Despite the proper nutrition and good results, many still choose the diet from the "lose weight 10 kg per month" category. Several effective techniques can be distinguished here. The toughest option is the crash diet, limiting the diet to one or two meals. Their weight loss is achieved more due to the loss of water. Protein diets, where you can quickly lose weight, have received good reviews, because protein is a natural fat burner. The vegan method with a restricted meat diet and a predominance of plant-based foods has had very good results.

Diet Mono

The Kefir diet is classified as a very effective diet. It doesn't take a month to lose weight on it, but only 10 days. One of them has to unload, when you can not eat at all for a day, but only drink water. The remaining day base is kefir with a fat content of not more than 2. 5%. Certain types of products are added to it every day:

  • 1 - 400 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 2 - 500 g of boiled chicken fillet;
  • 3 - 500 g of fruit;
  • 4 - 500 g of fresh vegetables;
  • 5 - days of fasting;
  • 6-10 days - one of the first 4 rations of each day.
Cheese cottage


The main difference is the lack of meat. Prohibited foods include coffee, alcohol and pepper. In this case, the daily menu could consist of the following products and dishes:

  • buckwheat or boiled rice;
  • flag on the water;
  • boiled, broiled or grilled vegetables;
  • rye bread;
  • boiled eggs;
  • olive oil;
  • mushrooms;
  • low-fat kefir, milk and cottage cheese;
  • unsweetened fruit.


Another great option is a protein diet. In addition, it helps maintain muscle tone. The basic principle is an almost complete restriction of carbohydrates. They are replaced with protein. It is advisable to combine this diet with exercise throughout the month. This will help shape the body. Sample menu for one month:

  • breakfast - milk or other fermented milk drink;
  • snack - 150 g of rice porridge;
  • lunch - lean meat with vegetable slices or a bowl of soup in low-fat broth;
  • afternoon tea - cottage cheese with natural yogurt;
  • dinner - 2 boiled eggs, one serving of fish;
  • before bed - a glass of fresh orange or apple.

10kg Weight Loss Plan

In addition to developing a month-long diet plan, it is advisable to develop a training system for more effective weight loss. It will depend on whether you work out at home or go to the gym. When making a monthly plan, women should focus on cardio, which, along with diet, helps burn fat more efficiently. Men are better suited for serious strength loads that help build muscle. When choosing a workout, be sure to consider its complexity, especially if you are a novice athlete.

At home

Even at home, you can do this effectively with just a few dumbbells and lifting weights. The start of the workout is a warm-up, for example cardio or some of the simplest exercises - squats and push-ups. At the end of the session, it is advisable to do cool down in the form of stretches for proper muscle building. The main set may include the following exercises, performed in 3 sets of 8-10 reps:

  • lunges, can be done with dumbbells;
  • rotate;
  • push-ups;
  • board for 30-60 seconds;
  • squats, including plies;
  • lifts the pelvis while lying down;
  • lift your leg;
  • "scissors" or "bicycle".

At the gym

The principle of designing workouts for the gym remains the same. It is advisable to use a treadmill, exercise bike, ellipsoid as cardio weights. The basic set of exercises could look like this:

  • barbell press;
  • lay dumbbells;
  • Squat with a barbell on your shoulders;
  • leg extension in simulator;
  • arm standing with dumbbells;
  • lift the leg in the simulator;
  • rotate;
  • hyperextension.
barbell bench press

Exercise to burn fat minus 10 kg per month

Interval and circuit training are considered to be more effective when it comes to losing fat. They are more intense. Specifically, interval training is a complex shift of 4 minutes consisting of 20 seconds of physical activity and 10 seconds of rest. For such an activity, you can choose any exercise depending on the problem area. Great for squats, lunges, push-ups, press crunches, etc. Circular workouts consist of doing a number of exercises continuously, for example:

  • squat;
  • push-ups;
  • starfish jump;
  • any ab exercises;
  • swing legs;
  • lunge;
  • exercise "bike".


I don't like diets, so I decided to lose weight simply, by following a few simple rules. She limited her diet to 1, 500 kcal per day. Eliminated sweet, fatty, fried. I do light exercises and stretches every day. For a month I managed to lose weight with only 8 kg.

I have stomach problems, so diet is contraindicated for me. On the doctor's advice, I turned to proper nutrition. I only do cardio on a treadmill or stationary bike. The total for a month was even more than 10 kg, but I initially weighed a lot, so I was able to lose weight so fast even without a special diet.

How to lose weight without harming your health

Why are nutritionists united against malnutrition? It is thought that most diseases that occur in humans are caused by malnutrition with a lack of vitamins and minerals. A striking example is the so-called scurvy. A very dangerous disease that can be treated with ordinary ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

lose weight without endangering health

If a woman simply cuts her diet to reduce the level of calories consumed, in addition to losing weight by 10 kilograms or more, this will cause a general deterioration in health, brittle hair and nails, and pale skin. But is there any real way to lose 10 kilograms in a month, without harming your health? Of course yes, and this is proper nutrition.

The essence of weight loss

How do I lose 10 kg in a month? To do this, you don't need to look for magic pills or sophisticated modern methods, for which they ask to add up a neat amount (like the Elena Malysheva diet), just know and follow the principles of proper nutrition for weight loss. At the same time, not only the stomach and sides will lose weight, but also the face, arms, legs and the whole body as a whole.

Remember that the more active the lifestyle of a person who loses weight, the better the results he can achieve in less time without harming health. Consuming more calories is an important factor in successfully losing 10 pounds. The less you move, the longer it will take.

10 kg weight loss rule:

  • Before losing weight in a month, be sure to exclude yeast-baked foods from your diet. If you cannot eat without bread, replace it with pita bread or unleavened diet bread;
  • features diet meat (chicken breast, lean beef) and fish cooked in the oven or steamed;
  • eat vegetables and fruit in the morning, except cabbage, which you can eat all night long;
  • Enjoy a delicious breakfast and skip dinner. Ideally, breakfast should contain more than 30 percent of your daily calories. Meanwhile, for dinner, it should be light and taken no later than five hours before bedtime;
  • never starve yourself. A hungry stomach is the worst enemy of weight loss. Persistent craving for food, without satisfying the needs of the stomach, causes disruption of the nutritional system, feeling unwell and a depressed mood. Snack on apples, dried fruit, low-fat kefir, cottage cheese or yogurt.
  • If you want to lose 10 pounds in a month and not put your health at risk, remember that 80 percent of your diet should consist of vegetables, fruits and cereals. The remaining gaps are filled with meat and dairy products. All of this should be consumed every day, taking into account the calories needed.